
Protect yourself from scams by using the best service for secure online transactions

What’s a Safe Trade?

Everything you can trade on the TON


This is a revolutionary approach to trading between people, protecting them from scams and giving you the opportunity to conduct safe transactions


We have created an application that will solve the exchange between people for you. We use the latest technologies available on TON and not only to give you the best experience using our application

How it's works?

Everything you can trade on the TON.

1. Take Items

Select Jettons, NFT's, Files, Scripts and put the amount and price for each of them

2. Find Traders

Share your trade link to person you want to trade. Wait for him and then continue

3. Make Deal

Check that you'll both interest in that trade and send all items to a secret wallet

4. Do the Safe Trade

After you're good, wait for items in your wallet. Then check it and keep trading with Safe Trade

Affiliate program

Earn with us and our product by using our referral system

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